Who Loves Books?

I have always been a reader since I was knee high and the love for books have stem throughout my teenage and adult life. I am a sucker for a thriller/murder mystery books but I also enjoy a good light- hearted romantic book. But, this is not what I’m here to talk about ( although I would love to start a book club). I have discovered another great genre that I’m totally in awe of and that is dun…dun..dunnn Self help books. Now I know what your gonna say but it really does transform lives and makes you more open to situations and experiences around you.

All these books I have read and I will give you my opinion about them. If you have read any books that are not on the list, feel free to comment below with your suggestions.


Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic

I’ve heard a lot of good reviews about this book and thought I would give it a read and I’m glad that I did. Not only did it open my eyes to new knowledge I discovered but it also taught me how messages can be pass through person to person ( when you read the book you’ll understand). Gilbert talks about her experiences and its nice to see the authors journey. I recommend this to anyone who wants to be creative but does not know where to start.

The Alchemist By Paul Coelho

the alchemist

This was the first book I read and was recommended to me by a friend, I am so happy that she told me about this book. I read this book in 3 days because it was so engaging and great. I don’t want to spoil it for but its a must read.

The Power of Now By Eckhart Tolle

the power of now

The power of now is all about being in the present and living in the now. At first I found the book very heavy with the amount of information crammed in but once I pushed through it I started to open my mind to living in the present and now use the tools in this book in my everyday life.


Practical Mindfulness By Consultant Ken A. Verni, Psy.D.


I received this from my lovely mother and in this book it gives you tips and tricks to practice mindfulness in everyday life. It taught me how to discover who I am and questions  what I want from life. It even gives you task to do and how to keep it up and advise you what to do when you finish reading the book. I really enjoyed this book and still to this day I refer back to it. It’s a big heavy book so I recommend you buy the hardback so you can highlight and write on it.


Thank you for reading and remember

Be Bold, Be strong, Be you x


Morning Rituals

24 hours can feel very overwhelming, especially when you have 101 things to do. So starting the day right is the most crucial hack to feeling less stressed. It all starts with a morning ritual, something that get you in the right mindset for the rest of the day.

Every morning I go through my morning ritual so I can feel relaxed and less stressed for the day. Even when I feel stressed during the day I revert back to my list of rituals and it brings me back to reality and I instantly feel calm.

Instead of waking up and quickly checking your phone for text messages or just casually scrolling down through social media for half an hour( I know I’m a culprit of that). Using the ritual will keep you focus.


I’ll give you an example of my morning ritual:

I break it down into two categories Mental and Physical. What you do mentally to start the day and what you do physically to start the day.



  1.  Listening- I sit and listen to the birds sing, listening to whats around me ect.
  2. Quotes-Every week I put a quote on my whiteboard and when I wake up I recite the quote in order to give me positive energy and to remember no two days are the same, when you wake up its a refreshed new day.
  3. Affirmations- This ties in with number 2 but reciting positive affirmations will help you get into the right mindset
  4. Meditation- for 5-10 minutes I meditate before I do anything. Doing this every morning has really helped me when I have a busy day ahead.



Truth be told, I am not a very physical person but stretching for me in the mornings has been a god send. It wakes up the nerves and muscles in the body and not only mentally prepares you for the day but physically.

The stretches I do are:

-Cat pose

-Downward Dog

-Spinal twist

-Quick stretch of my whole body


Now, I hope you implement these activities in the morning and see how it will change your life. Please keep me updated on your process as I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading,

Be Bold, Be Strong, Be you